Oil & Gas - Nes

Our Solution in Oil & Gas Sector

IMMUSCO deals in providing health monitoring solution for rotary/reciprocating machines and stationery assets in the form of product sales, inspection/monitoring services, Asset Integrity Management Services and certified trainings. .

Immusco Oil-Field Equipment LLC (Service Company)

Our mission is to provide accurate, fair and reliable services to meet the needs of our clients in an effective and timely manner through our strong service delivery ethic in the oil and gas industry. We are always committed to fulfill client’s requirement and expectations.

1. Tanks Integrity Management.
2. Tanks Calibration
3. PSV Calibration
4. Tanks Hydro test
5. Shaft Alignment
6. DG set Over Hauling and Preventive Maintenance.
7. Pumps and motor vibration Diagnostic Services
8. NDT inspections